

Forthcoming books:

Buckler, S. and Moore. H. (forthcoming 2026). Essentials of Research Methods in Education (Second Edition). London: Sage Publications, Ltd.

Buckler, S. and Castle, P. (in press 2025). Psychology for Teachers (Fourth Edition). London: Sage Publications, Ltd.

Published Books:

Buckler, S. and Moore, H. (2023). Essentials of Research Methods in Education. London: Sage Publications, Ltd.

Buckler, S. (2021). How to Challenge the System and Become a Better Teacher. London: Corwin Ltd/Sage Publications, Ltd.

Castle, P. and Buckler, S. (2021). Psychology for Teachers (Third Edition). London: Sage Publications, Ltd.

Gates, J. and Buckler, S. (2020). Lessons in Love & Understanding: Relationships, Sexuality & Gender in the Classroom. London: Corwin Ltd/Sage Publications, Ltd.

Buckler, S. (2020). The Plateau Experience: Maslow’s Unfinished Theory (International translations: Dutch, French, Italian, Polish, Portuguese). Mauritius: Sciencia Scripts.

Castle, P. and Buckler, S. (2018). Psychology for Teachers (Second Edition). London: Sage Publications, Ltd.

Buckler, S. and Walliman, N. (2016). Your Dissertation in Education (Second Edition). London: Sage Publications Ltd.

Buckler, S. and Castle, P. (2014). Psychology for Teachers. London: Sage Publications, Ltd.

Buckler, S. (2011). The Plateau Experience: Maslow’s Unfinished Theory. Saarbrücken, Germany: Lambert Academic Publishing.

Castle, P. and Buckler, S. (2009). How to be a Successful Teacher: Strategies for Personal and Professional Development. London: Sage Publications Ltd.

Walliman, N. and Buckler, S. (2008). Your Dissertation in Education. London: Sage Publications Ltd.

Book Chapters

Buckler, S. and Moore, H. (2023). ‘The proactive pastoral paradox of martial arts in an all-through school: quiet conversations, tea serving and Kung Fu.’ In Trotman, D. (Ed.), Pastoral Care in Education: New Directions for New Times. Newcastle Upon Tyne: Cambridge Scholars Publishing (pp.287-318).

Looker, B., Kington, A., Hibbert-Mayne, K., Blackmore, K. & Buckler, S. (2023). The Illusion of Perspective: Examining the dynamic between teacher effectiveness and self-efficacy. In Maulana, R. et al (Eds.), Effective Teaching around the World: Theoretical, empirical, methodological and practical insights. Heidelberg, Netherlands: Springer (pp.653-673).

Kington, A., Engel, L. and Buckler, S. (2020). ‘The influence of parental self-efficacy and engagement on educational relationships in the primary school’, in De Salis, M. (Ed.), Child Education: Perspectives, Opportunities and Challenges, New York: Nova Science Publishers, Inc.

Buckler, S. (2017). ‘Chapter 4: Risk taking, philosophy and ethical practice to facilitate flourishing.’ In Kingdon, Z. and Gourd, J. (Eds.), Flourishing in the Early Years: Concepts, Practices and Futures. London: Routledge (pp.68-84).

Kington, A., Sammons, P., Brown, E.J., Regan, E., Ko, J. and Buckler, S. (2014). Effective Classroom Practice. Maidenhead: Open University Press.

Journal Articles

Buckler, S. & Moore, H. (forthcoming 2025). Transpersonal education: A glimmer of light to compulsory education? International Journal of Transpersonal Studies, Volume 43, Issue 1, pp. TBC.

Buckler, S. and Moore, H. (forthcoming 2025) Enhancing children’s psychological wellbeing through training in the martial arts (Wing Chun and Ba Gua). In A. Ewald et al. (eds.) Martial Arts & Movement Arts: Cultural History, Violence Prevention & Therapy. An International Online Anthology by Scientists and Practitioners., ISSN: 2940-9586.

Buckler, S. & Moore, H. (2024) The quest monomyth as an allegory for educational research. Impact, 22 (online).

Buckler, S. & Moore, H. (2024). The plateau experience and Chinese martial arts: A programme to enhance student self-esteem. Transpersonal Psychology Review, Volume 25 Issue 1, pp.25-35.

Buckler, S. and Moore, H. (2023). Engaging conceptual development within science through the use of concept cartoons: harmonising direct instruction and constructivist pedagogy. Impact, 18 (online).

Buckler, S. & Moore, H. (2021). Shinrin-yoku: A potentially effective approach to enhancing mental health and wellbeing. Impact: Professional Development, 13 (online).

Buckler, S. & Woodward, A. (2021). Development and validation of a plateau experience psychometric to investigate the effect of shinrin-yoku (森 林 浴) on depression. Transpersonal Psychology Review, Volume 22, Issue 2, pp.66-77. DOI:

Law, H. & Buckler, S. (2021). Transpersonal coaching as a fourth wave therapeutic intervention: A position paper. Transpersonal Psychology Review, Volume 22, Issue 2, pp.7-20. DOI:

Woodward, A., Law, H. & Buckler, S. (2021). A triad of Taoism: Exploring the mind, body and spirit through Taoist philosophical perspectives. Transpersonal Psychology Review, Volume 22, Issue 2, pp.58-64. DOI:

Buckler, S. (2020). A curriculum for positive transformation: The praxis of values-based education. Impact (Special Issue), November (online).

Moore, H. & Buckler, S. (2020). Parental support and access for home-based learning. Research Hub, Chartered College of Teaching.

Buckler, S. (2020). Theoretical perspectives of enhancing elearning within compulsory education. Research Hub, Chartered College of Teaching.

Buckler, S. & Moore, H. (2020). Developing teachers’ confidence in enhanced elearning at an all-through school. Research Hub, Chartered College of Teaching.

Buckler, S. & Gates, J. (2019). Transgender and the transpersonal: An introduction and a call for research. Transpersonal Psychology Review, Volume 21, Issue 1, pp. 40-46. DOI:

Buckler, S., Woodward, A. & Law, H. (2019). The transpersonal that can be defined is not the true transpersonal: A Taoist perspective on defining transpersonal psychology. Transpersonal Psychology Review, Volume 21, Issue 1, pp. 17-20. DOI:

Buckler, S. (2018). Transpersonal Education: An evaluation of the current context from an international perspective. Transpersonal Psychology Review, Volume 20, Issue 1, pp. 28-46. DOI:

Buckler, S. (2018). The mythology of the martial artist: The hero’s journey, the ten bulls, and the wounded healer. Institute of Martial Arts and Sciences: IMAS Quarterly, Volume 7, Issue 2&3, Summer 2018, pp.38-49.

Buckler, S. (2018). The potential for a martial arts inspired educational programme for children and young people to enhance mental wellbeing. Institute of Martial Arts and Sciences: IMAS Quarterly, Volume 7, Issue 2, Spring 2018, pp. 28-46. Corpus ID: 150194285

Buckler, S. (2017). The development of martial arts and their inherent philosophy: justification, effective combat principles, or transformation. Institute of Martial Arts and Sciences: IMAS Quarterly, Volume 6, Issue 2, Spring 2017, pp. 18-37.

Buckler, S. (2017). Wing Chun Kuen: A revised historical perspective. Piracy, politics, secret societies, and Cantonese opera. Institute of Martial Arts and Sciences: IMAS Quarterly, Volume 6, Issue 1, Winter 2017, pp. 32-56.

Buckler, S. (2016). Wing Chun Kuen: A revised historical perspective. Dismissing the myth of the Southern Shaolin Monastery. Institute of Martial Arts and Sciences: IMAS Quarterly, Volume 5, Issue 4, Winter 2016, pp. 22-37.

Buckler, S. (2016). An inclusive taxonomy for classifying global fighting traditions. Institute of Martial Arts and Sciences: IMAS Quarterly, Volume 5, Issue 3, Summer 2016, pp. 34-51. Corpus ID: 55361773

Buckler, S. (2014). Transpersonal Education: A 360° mixed-methodological investigation into the validity of the construct. International Journal for Cross-Disciplinary Subjects in Education, Volume 4, Issue 4, pp.1284-1291. DOI: 10.20533/LICEJ.2040.2589.2012.0076

Buckler, S. (2013). The Origins of Wing Chun: Time for a Revision? (Part 2). Wing Chun Illustrated, Issue 13, 40-42. Corpus ID: 55065346

Buckler, S. (2013). The Origins of Wing Chun: Time for a Revision? (Part 1). Wing Chun Illustrated, Issue 12, 38-40. Corpus ID: 132156714

Buckler, S. (2012). An Alternate Historical Perspective on the Inception and Development of Wing Chun Kuen. Journal of Chinese Martial Studies, Volume 1, Issue 6, pp. 6-29.

PhD Thesis

Buckler, S. (2010). Sects and Violence: Development of an inclusive taxonomy to hermeneutically explore the histo-philosophical motivators for the inception and development of the martial art, Wing Chun Kuen. Coventry University.

Examined by Prof. Jim Riordian (Sport Anthropologist/Historian), Dr. Michael Daniels (Transpersonal Psychology), and Sifu Shaun Rawcliffe (Wing Chun).


Corpus ID: 142951839


Buckler, S. (1997). Teaching martial arts. Combat: The World’s Leading Martial Arts Magazine, Volume 23, Issue 7, July 1997, pp. 69-71.

Buckler, S. (1996). Martial arts in school? Combat: The World’s Leading Martial Arts Magazine, Volume 22, Issue 12, December 1996, pp. 94-7.

Professional/National Workshops

Buckler, S. and Moore, H. (2024). Interactive Workshop: The Mindful Movement Programme – Mind-body connection through adapted martial arts exercises. British Educational Research Association (BERA) Holistically healthy humans: championing mental and physical wellbeing in education, Online, 10 July 2024.

Gates, J. and Buckler, S. (2021). Webinar: Relationships, sexuality & gender for the classroom. Chartered College of Teaching. 23 June 2021,

Buckler, S. (2021). Transpersonal coaching as a fourth wave therapeutic intervention. British Psychological Society. Online, London, January 2021.

Buckler, S., Woodward, A. and Law, H. (2020). A triad of Taoism: Exploring the mind, body and spirit through Taoist philosophical perspectives. British Psychological Society. British Psychological Society Office, London, January 2020.

Buckler, S. and Woodward, A. (2018). From turmoil to transcendence: 21st century Taoist approaches to restoring balance to the mind, body, and spirit. Transpersonal Psychology, Trauma and Transformation. British Psychological Society. British Psychological Society Office, London, 16 June 2018.

Kington, A. and Buckler, S. (2014). Mapping mixed method(ology) research. Supporting teachers as researchers. British Educational Research Association. University of Manchester, 30 June 2014.

Buckler, S. and Vergeer, I. (2014). What do meditation and mindfulness have to offer to the 21st Century practitioner? British Psychological Society. 2 May 2014.

Conference Papers

Buckler, S. and Cohen, E. (2024). The Mindful Movement Programme: Adapting the martial arts as a safe and inclusive approach for enhancing self-esteem and accessing the plateau experience. EUROTAS 24th International Conference. Creative Bridges 2024: Embodied Consciousness, Psyche & Soul in Research and Practice. New College, Oxford University, 4-8 September 2024.

Moore, H. and Buckler, S. (2023). The Mindful Movement Programme: A martial-art inspired approach for enhancing state and trait self-esteem. British Educational Research Association (BERA) Annual Conference, Aston University, Birmingham, 12-14 September 2023.

Buckler, S. and Moore, H. (2023). Enhancing children’s psychological wellbeing through training in the martial arts of Wing Chun and Ba Gua. British Educational Research Association (BERA) Annual Conference, Aston University, Birmingham, 12-14 September 2023.

Buckler, S. and Moore, H. (2023). Martial arts as a brief intervention programme to enhance children’s psychological wellbeing. British Psychological Society – Transpersonal Psychology Section. 25th Annual Conference, Cober Hill, Scarborough, 1-3 September 2023.

Buckler, S. (2017). The threshold of transformation: Are plateau and nadir experiences the undeveloped core of transpersonal psychology? British Psychological Society – Transpersonal Psychology Section. 21st Annual Conference, Cober Hill, Scarborough, 22-24 September 2017.

Buckler, S. (2017). The Forward Looking University: Capitalising on eLearning trends of 2017 to meet the needs of the learner. Beyond Boundaries: University of Worcester Annual Learning and Teaching Conference, University of Worcester, 15-16 June 2017.

Buckler, S. (2016). Suggestion and Autosuggestion: Returning to the source of popularised therapeutic techniques. British Psychological Society – Transpersonal Psychology Section. 20th Annual Conference, Highgate House, Northamptonshire, 16-18 September 2016.

Buckler, S. and Eason, A. (2015). Breaking the Silence and Making a Difference on Bullying. BASPCAN – Beautiful Minds: Nurturing and Promoting Mental Wellbeing in Children and Young People. Thistle Hotel, Birmingham, 5 October 2015.

Buckler, S. (2015). An Introduction to Mindfulness: BPS CPD event summary. British Psychological Society – Transpersonal Psychology Section. 19th Annual Conference, Cober Hill, Scarborough, 18-20 September 2015.

Buckler, S. (2015). Exploring Daoist philosophy through the combat system of Wing Chun Kuen. British Psychological Society – Transpersonal Psychology Section. 19th Annual Conference, Cober Hill, Scarborough, 18-20 September 2015.

Buckler, S., King-Hill, S. and Dart, G. (2015). Two fingers to the administrivialisation of higher education: A radical approach to radical education. British Education Studies Association, 11th Annual Conference, Cardiff Metropolitan University, 25-26 June 2015.

Eason, A., Coupe, T., Richards, C., Buckler, S., Woolley, R. (2015). Breaking the silence: An analysis of pupils’ voices in relation to the nature, scope, and extent of bullying across a local authority. 9th BASPCAN International Congress. New Directions in Child Protection and Wellbeing: Making a Real Difference to Children’s Lives. University of Edinburgh, 12-15 April 2015.

Buckler, S. (2014). The compassionate university: Policy, rhetoric, or reality? British Psychological Society – Transpersonal Psychology Section. 18th Annual Conference, Sunley Centre, University of Northampton, 10-12 October 2014.

Buckler, S. and Hill, E. (2014). Will this make a difference? Is there a place for mindfulness with the primary trainee teacher? British Psychological Society – Transpersonal Psychology Section. 18th Annual Conference, Sunley Centre, University of Northampton, 10-12 October 2014.

Buckler, S. (2014). The Compassionate University. The Compassionate University Launch Event, University of Worcester, 30 January 2014.

Buckler, S. (2013). The Plateau Experience: The development of a pilot psychometric to investigate Maslow’s unfinished theory. British Psychological Society – Transpersonal Psychology Section. 17th Annual Conference, Cober Hill, Scarborough. 20-22 September 2013.

Buckler, S. (2012). Educational Anarchy: The hermeneutic development of transpersonal education from an international perspective. British Psychological Society – Transpersonal Psychology Section. 16th Annual Conference, Cober Hill, Scarborough. 28-30 September 2012.

Buckler, S. (2012). An international investigation into the validity of ‘Transpersonal Education’. Infonomics Society  London International Conference on Education (LICE-2012). Thistle Hotel, Heathrow, 19-21 November 2012.

Buckler, S. (2011). Transpersonal Education: An educational approach for the twenty-first century?. Infonomics Society – London International Conference on Education (LICE-2011), Thistle Hotel, Heathrow, 7-10 November 2011.

Buckler, S. (2007). Surfing the wave of change: Enhancing staff development on stress management. SEDA Spring Conference, Exploring Enhancement in Further and Higher Education. Marriott Hotel, Glasgow. 10-11 May 2007.

Buckler, S. (2007). The paradox of the martial artist: a better person or a better fighter?’ British Psychological Society – Transpersonal Psychology Section11th Annual Conference, Cober Hill, Scarborough. 14-18 September 2007.

Buckler, S. (2006). Facilitating skills for successful undergraduate learning – engaging students and staff with the process. SEDA Spring Conference, Thistle Hotel, Liverpool, 8-9 June 2006.

Buckler, S. (2005). The motivation and benefits of training in Wing Chun. Ving Tsun Athletic Association 2nd International Conference, Shatin, Hong Kong, 19-20 November 2005.

Buckler, S. & Smith, S. (2005). Mature students and mature tutors – The problems and positives of embedding e-learning in a Foundation Degree. Delivering a Foundation Degree through a Managed Learning Environment, JISC. Stone Manor Hotel, Stone, Worcestershire13 July 2005.

Invited Lectures

Buckler, S. (2024). School-based research: The potential, the problems, and the proposals to facilitate change. in L. Enow (Chair), Birmingham Newman University, Online, 11 July 2024.

Buckler, S. (2021). The Impact of Chartered Teacher Status. In A. Peacock, Chartered College of Teaching, Annual General Meeting, Online, 4 December 2021. 

Buckler, S. (2021). Developing Self:  Challenge the system to become a better teacher. In L. McKerr (Chair), Developing Self: Experiences and Practice, University of Worcester, Worcester, 22 November 2021. 

Buckler, S. (2021). A Bricolage of Academics: Collaborative directions for revolutionising education. In C. Roe and R. Maunder (Chairs), Staff Research Group, University of Northampton, Northampton, 3 March 2021. 

Buckler, S. (2013). Educational Anarchy: A revision of transpersonal education as a lifelong journey. In C. Roe, (Chair), MSc. Transpersonal Psychology and Consciousness Studies (Student Focus Group), University of Northampton, Northampton, 15 May 2013. 

Academic Prizes & Awards

BERA Annual Conference – SIG Best Presentation Award (Mental Health, Wellbeing and Education)

Buckler, S. and Moore, H. (2023). Enhancing children’s psychological wellbeing through training in the martial arts of Wing Chun and Ba Gua. British Educational Research Association (BERA) Annual Conference, Aston University, Birmingham, 12-14 September 2023.

Professional Videos

Buckler, S. (2015). Constructivism. Sage Knowledge: Video Collection. Sage Publications Ltd.


Buckler, S. (2015). Constructivist and social theories of learning. Sage Knowledge: Video Collection. Sage Publications Ltd.


Buckler, S. (2015). Humanist theories of education. Sage Knowledge: Video Collection. Sage Publications Ltd.


Buckler, S. (2015). Humanistic approaches. Sage Knowledge: Video Collection. Sage Publications Ltd.


Buckler, S. (2015). Qualitative data analysis: Part 1. Sage Knowledge: Video Collection. Sage Publications Ltd.


Buckler, S. (2015). Qualitative paradigm. Sage Knowledge: Video Collection. Sage Publications Ltd.


Buckler, S. (2015). Qualitative research methods in education. Sage Knowledge: Video Collection. Sage Publications Ltd.


Buckler, S. (2015). Quantitative research methods in education: Dissertation development. Sage Knowledge: Video Collection. Sage Publications Ltd.


Buckler, S. (2015). Quantitative data analysis. Sage Knowledge: Video Collection. Sage Publications Ltd.


Buckler, S. (2015). Quantitative paradigm. Sage Knowledge: Video Collection. Sage Publications Ltd.


Buckler, S. (2015). Self-determination theory. Sage Knowledge: Video Collection. Sage Publications Ltd.


Buckler, S. (2015). Social learning theory. Sage Knowledge: Video Collection. Sage Publications Ltd.


Buckler, S. (2015). Transpersonal psychology. Sage Knowledge: Video Collection. Sage Publications Ltd.



Buckler, S. (2018). Chess. Transpersonal Psychology Review, Volume 20, Issue 1, pp. 51-52.

Online Resources

Buckler, S. (2017). Constructing your analysis, discussion, and argument. In N. Walliman and G. Whisker (Eds.) Dissertation Skills. London: Epigeum Ltd.

Buckler, S. (2017). Research methods: Qualitative. In N. Walliman and G. Whisker (Eds.) Dissertation Skills. London: Epigeum Ltd.

Buckler, S. (2017). Research methods: Quantitative. In N. Walliman and G. Whisker (Eds.) Dissertation Skills. London: Epigeum Ltd.

Buckler, S. (2017). Structuring and writing your dissertation or project. In N. Walliman and G. Whisker (Eds.) Dissertation Skills. London: Epigeum Ltd.

Scott Buckler on ResearchGate


Buckler, S. (2024). How valuable are ‘British Values’? Freedom Press. 8th October 2024.

Buckler, S. and Moore, H. (2024). What barriers do teachers face when it comes to educational research and how can they overcome these? Sage Perspectives, 25th June 2024.

Buckler, S. (2024). As a teacher, why do I need to bother about research? Sage Perspectives, 14th June 2024.

Buckler, S. (2024). Education is Anarchy. Freedom Press. 10th January 2024.

Buckler, S. and Moore, H. (2023). The Paradox of the Martial Arts. BERA Blog, 13th September 2023.

Gynn, N. (2023). The Twilight Show with Nathan Gynn (Essentials of Research Methods in Education with Scott Buckler & Harriett Moore). Teacher Talk Radio, 16th August 2023. Twitter Spotify Amazon

Iqbal, S. (2021). The Sunday Breakfast Show with Sobia Iqbal (How to Challenge the System with Scott Buckler). Teacher Talk Radio, 29th August 2021.

Anon. (2014). University academics enjoy positive reviews. Worcester News, 6th February 2014.

Anon. (2014). Droitwich lecturers collaborate to write new textbook. Worcester News, 31st January 2014.

Webb, E. (2013). ‘Supporting students with stress through the SATs.’ Elliott Webb at Breakfast. BBC Hereford & Worcester. 5th May 2013.

Broome, P. (2013). ‘I’m watching you’: Could these eyes cut crime in Worcestershire? Worcester News, 25th April 2013.

Buckler, S. (2007). Martial arts are not to ‘Mickey Mouse’. Daily Mail, 29th August 2007.

Kendrick, D. (2005). Classroom assistants easing teachers’ load. Worcester News, 9th February 2005.